The creative duo has made tacos with a lot of unusual ingredients over the years, like flan, pho, venison, shark, octopus and even chow mein. As a self-taught cook, Garcia cooks by feel and breaks a lot of rules while Huerta leans on her classically-trained background to ensure everything is well planned and there’s little room for error. Together, their unique styles have led them to put out some killer hits.
Although they started out creating new menus for every event, they’ve now developed a set list of favorites that have made them famous across L.A. Like their black al pastor tacos.
While black al pastor tacos were originally invented by Yukatán chef Roberto Solis, Garcia and Huerta were the first to bring the dish to the U.S. They actually contacted the chef to ask for his blessing before borrowing a recipe from Garcia’s stepdad to start playing around with and make their own.
While traditional al pastor tacos use pork marinated in an adobo made of dried red chilies, spices and vinegar, black al pastor tacos use a recado negro made of chilies, spices and cacao cooked using a Mayan technique which involves burning chilies into a paste and flavoring it with spices.
“We get a lot of traditional people that don't believe in it. But they taste it, and then ask for as many as they can eat,” Garcia said. “That’s what we like. We love to change people’s mindset. Even al pastor wasn’t traditional at some point—let’s open our minds to new things.”
“We want to be innovators and give people a different experience,” Huerta added. “I hope we inspire people to do different things and not be scared of the outcome, because people will love it.”