The smell of empanadas baking in the oven. The confident, graceful presence of Abuelita and Mami. That first lesson on how to add filling to discs of dough and pinch them closed with a fork. Sweet Life Food Blogger Vianney Rodriguez remembers it all.
Rodriguez first became interested in cooking at a young age after watching and helping her abuelita and mami in the kitchen. They were cocineras—home cooks who shared their love through comida. And Rodriguez wanted nothing more than to be a part of their world.
As a first generation Mexican American growing up in South Texas, Rodriguez’s Tejano roots played a major role in shaping her identity as a cocinera.
“Being Tejano is a beautiful blending of two cultures. Tejanos I feel live in their own wonderful world. We have our own special music, comida, dance, culture and even language, all rooted in the culture of Texas,” Rodriguez explained. “The valley lemon, watermelon, pecans, chiles, the fajita, brisket, the queso—I grew up with this culture, and it has become a huge part of my life and my table.”
But that wasn’t a culture Rodriguez saw reflected in food blogger space in 2009.
As a young mother homeschooling her daughters, Rodriguez discovered cooking blogs and immediately fell in love.
“The stories, memories and recipes—they were mini love letters to food. But the more blogs I read, the more I noticed that while all the stories were beautiful, they didn’t resonate with me. Where were the stories, recipes of tías, tíos, abuelitos? Where were the dishes my mami cooked for us growing up?” Rodriguez said. “I shared this with my husband over dinner one evening, and he simply replied, ‘Why don’t you start a blog, share your recipes, your plates?’ And I did, the very next week.”